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Collaborating for Impact: Our Trusted Partnerships in Community Building

Our partnership page is a testament to the power of collaboration in driving positive change. Here, we proudly showcase our valued partnerships, highlighting the shared vision and commitment to making a difference in our community and beyond. From educational institutions to local businesses, each partnership represents a unique opportunity to amplify our impact and create lasting change. Explore these collaborations and discover how together, we're building a brighter future for all.

Durham College

At FreeMind Collective, we're privileged to partner closely with Durham College, an institution deeply committed to fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. Through our collaboration, particularly with individuals in the Fast Start program, Durham College has been instrumental in supporting our initiatives every step of the way. Their unwavering support and dedication empower us to continue our mission of breaking the stigma of addiction, promoting mental health awareness, and advocating for environmental sustainability. Together, we're forging a path towards a brighter and more inclusive future.

CAMH (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health)


At FreeMind Collective, we believe in the power of collaboration to create meaningful change. That's why we're proud to support CAMH (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health), Canada's leading mental health research facility and treatment center. We aim to raise awareness and support for mental health initiatives, driving positive impact within our community and beyond. Together, we're working towards a future where mental health is prioritized, stigma is eliminated, and everyone has access to the support they need to thrive. Join us in supporting CAMH and together, let's make mental health a priority.

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